In this interconnected era where achievement often takes center stage, empathy is frequently overlooked. Empathy isn't...
BBG News
98% of PPG Prajab Batch 2 Participants in 2022 from UBBG Successfully Passed and Officially Obtained Teaching Certificates.
BANDA ACEH, BBG NEWS - A total of 98% or 57 out of 58 students enrolled in the Education Profession Program (PPG) for...
300 PPG Daljab K1 Batch 3 Students in 2023 Attend Orientation at UBBG Campus
BANDA ACEH, BBG NEWS - A total of 300 Education Profession Program (PPG) Category 1 In-service Teachers, Batch 3 in...
The UBBG Library is organizing a workshop on Research Methods and Academic Writing
BANDA ACEH, BBG NEWS - The Bina Bangsa Getsempena University Library (UBBG) in Banda Aceh conducted a training session...
Rencong Aceh: Symbol of Culture and Greatness of Aceh
Rencong, also known as Rincong or Rintjoeng, is a treasured cultural symbol in Aceh, Indonesia. It represents bravery,...
Kasab Aceh: The Embodiment of Culture, Tradition, and Faith
Kasab is a traditional embroidery craft with gold or silver thread in the Aceh region, often referred to as...